
The importance of strong leadership and flexibility was highlighted following a year of extreme volatility. As traditional supervisory relationships were brought to a halt, it is imperative for leaders to leverage digital solutions and increase productivity without sacrificing quality of service.

In this session, hear from your peers and learn strategies to effectively manage a remote team. Learn new approaches to remain visible and available in a remote workforce, that will allow you to act with agility in the ever-changing environment.

Rachael Ooi
Principal Adviser, Your Wealth Consultants
Adrian Patty
CTO, Advice Revolution and Co-Founder, XY Adviser


AssociationCPD PointsASIC CompetencyFASEA CPD AreasRG146Accreditation Number
AFA0.5Client care and PraciticePractice management
AIOFP 0.67SkillsProfessionalism & Ethics AFPBPE2021015
FPA 0.75 Financial Planning (0.25 hour)
Generic Knowledge (0.25 hour)
Skill Requirements (0.25 hour)
Client care and practice (0.50 hour)
General (0.25 hour)