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The idea of financial advice is moving from product to people and from money to meaning. The adviser of the future, then, is a different proposition entirely, shifting from facilitator and distributor to coach, mentor and life adviser. This evolution is redirecting the emphasis from commoditised services to high value and high margin ones.

The advice industry is undergoing a once in a generation change and many advisers are struggling with the depth and breadth of change. The question then arises, how can you prepare for this change?


AssociationCPD PointsASIC CompetencyFASEA CPD AreasRG146Accreditation Number
AFA0.5Client care and PraciticePractice management
AIOFP 0.67Generic KnowledgeClient Care & Practice AFPA1CP2021013
FPA 0.75 Financial Planning (0.50 hour) Generic Knowledge (0.25 hour) Client care and practice (0.25 hour)
General (0.50 hour)